5 Powerful Habits That Can Skyrocket Your Performance as an Entrepreneur

Samar Sisodia
2 min readJun 29, 2023


When I was struggling to build a solid internet business from scratch, I looked for ways I can improve that can help me skyrocket my performance and help build my mindset to gain success.

Now, when I am on the other side of the fence, I can clearly list down 5 Habits that really helped me 10X my performance and attack situation in front like a lion.

  1. Morning Deep Work — I had a long morning routine earlier and although it was good, I realised I am wasting a lot of time which could be better utilized. So, as soon as I woke up early morning, I started with a short 15 min meditation and journalling and then immediately get to work. The kind of clarity, creativity and focus I noticed with early morning work was immense.
  2. Taking a short 45 min Break every 3 hours — Well, I thought I would just kill it today and work long hours. I was wrong. Instead, I tried working deep for 3 hours straight and then taking a short 45 mins break for a quick workout and that really helped me focus again for the next 3 hours. Taking regular breaks is great for mental health, clarity and focus.
  3. Having a End of Day time — I never wrote on my journal on my end of day time. But then I realised this is affecting my work life balance. Hence, I switched to writing down when I will be closing my day. I close my day at the time I plan and then not touch calls or messages. This made me highly effective and also gave me energy to start my next day fresh.
  4. Plan my next day in advance — This is so powerful. If you are planning your next day well in advance, you can skyrocket your productivity 10X on every other day. This is one of the best habits one can develop before ending the day. Just write your next day tasks in 1 hour time slots.
  5. Reading before going to sleep — Well, quality sleep is underrated. Most entrepreneurs struggle with quality sleep and that is where next day ruins. So, before going to sleep, it is super important to relax and unwind yourselves. Make it a point to relax and then sleep with a fixed time to sleep and wake up. A good night’s quality sleep will take you far than anything else.

Well, I track these Habits everyday and ensure this is something that I practise everyday!

I have also built a tracking sheet for entrepreneurs that can help you skyrocket your performance.

Download it here — Performance Tracking sheet for Entrepreneurs



Samar Sisodia

IIT Grad | Serial Entrepreneur | Build 3 Companies Before Turning 30 | Living with a purpose and impacting lives is my calling